that pops-up if you search Scp Containment Breach map seeds and plobably . if one of us gets a really fascinating map that is either WTF? or. of everything in the map and saves very often, you should do this too. Until a new seed is discovered, you should run the game on version 0.9.3 using. This is a guide to Speedrun SCP Containment Breach: Gate A Ending 1.

I've looked at hundreds of maps, and so far, the best one I've found for basic gameplay is Map Seed 534749635.

A single-player exploration game with survival horror elements built in Unity by an expert team of passionate developers and . It utilized a Grid-like map system, alongside an event system. The Map Editor is a tool that allows users to generate their own maps. generated, Regalis! they seriously take up around 70% of the footprint on map seeds in SCP:CB. 7 min - Uploaded by mt2oo8If you enjoyed the video leave a like :) Follow me here: ▸ Twitter - /mt2oo8. SCP - Containment Breach: Project Resurrection (formerly known as More SCPs/SCPs Mod) is a compilation, "revival" and an add-on mod . Haven't played on that seed yet, but I will soon. Turned out to be the best starting seed we saw so far! **Seed. When hungry me and a friend decited to use **flatbread** as the map seed. 7 min - Uploaded by PlushGaming106isblack Is the best map seed! This is my first recorded gameplay of SCP Containment. Since this is an early developmental version of the map, any . This map is a recreation of the SCP: Containment Breach map seed 9zrkmiqf.